In this knowledge base, Mynta Law shares in-depth articles on various topics within migration and nationality law.
Brexit permanent resident permits for British citizens and their family members
How to renew your Dutch self-employment residence permit?
Netherlands Visa for Recent US University Graduates
How Not To Transfer Your Main Residence - Everything Expats Should Know
Eight ways of moving to the Netherlands from the United States of America
Unexpected Visa Rejection? There may still be routes forward
Dutch work visas for UK contractual service suppliers and UK independent professionals
A major facelift of the European blue card: lower and graduate friendly salary thresholds
Payrolling Highly Skilled Migrants? Here are the pro's and con's
Knowledge of Dutch for naturalisation: from A2 to B1 soon?
New coalition agreement: key points, timeline and game plan
Partner visa holders: please be aware of a new IND practice
Pathways Towards NL Permanent Residence for (Prospective) Foreign Students
Which Salary Threshold Applies to Which Highly Skilled Migrant?
Staying in the Netherlands after Divorce
Inchoate Offences: Differences in the United States and the Netherlands
Dutch governmental websites that a residence permit holder should monitor frequently
Possibilities of Dutch nationality planning: dual and multiple citizenships
(Permanent) residence rights for EU diplomats and their (non-EU) family members
Reacquiring Dutch nationality
Residence under Brexit Withdrawal Agreement applications still possible despite IND’s expired 'deadline'
The dreadful issue of residence gap (“verblijfsgat”) and latest positive developments
Dutch partner visa: bits and bobs
Netherlands Visa for Recent British University Graduates
Greater opportunities under the new EU Blue Card Directive 2021/1883
Legal status of the Ukrainian temporary protection permit
Opting for Dutch Nationality as former Dutch national: No One Year Waiting Period for Europeans and UK-citizens with residence under the Withdrawal Agreement
Proposed change to the Dutch Nationality Act scraps possibility to obtain dual nationality – what to do now?
Dual citizenship for new Dutch citizens. Ways to retain your current nationality
Dutch citizenship and acknowledgement of children born out of wedlock
Two Types of Permanent Residence Permits in the Netherlands: This is What You Need to Know About Them
EU long term residence permit despite residence gap
Income requirements and permanent residence
Latest ECJ Judgment: Loss of EU long term stay permit due to absence?
Court of Justice: Holders of "Chavez" residence rights can obtain permanent residence permits
How to get a permanent residence permit as a privileged diplomat in the Netherlands?
Non-EU family members of an EU citizen: how to get a permanent residence permit
Economically inactive visa for long term residents from other EU countries
Hungarian EU long term permit holders: your opportunity to immigrate to the Netherlands
Dutch American Friendship Treaty: a residence permit for American entrepreneurs
Dutch American Friendship Treaty: different forms of business associations in the Netherlands
Who Cannot Benefit from DAFT
Moving to the Netherlands with a Prior Criminal Conviction
Dutch Japanese Commerce & Navigation Treaty: a residence permit for Japanese entrepreneurs
Official documents that you need when immigrating from the US to the Netherlands
How can elderly parents immigrate to the Netherlands (or the European Union)?
Parental Immigration through Human Rights Law - Is It Possible?
Overstay and entry ban: how does it work?
Return decision and its implication
Self-employment visa: work as a self-employed entrepreneur in the Netherlands
Unemployed Highly Skilled Migrants: Nine Options to Extend Your Legal Stay in the Netherlands
Residence permits for polyamorous relationships
How the IND can check for fake relationships
A partner visa without living at the same address
How can a foreign student bring a partner to the Netheralnds?
Revoking a student permit: IND decision reversed and remanded by Court
Working as a Student in the Netherlands
Employment Based Visas in the Netherlands
Uncover the Dutch 30% Ruling
Two common rental issues faced by foreign expats in the Netherlands
Dutch passport vs. Belgian passport: a comparative analysis
Issues pertinent to young children's co-naturalization
No civic integration obligations for family members of an EU citizen
How many Dutch residence statuses can you have at the same time?
Athlete permit: a visa for talented sportspeople
The New Integration Act: its impact on permanent residence and Dutch citizenship applications
Certain RANOV permit holders can become Dutch citizens after exemption from documentation requirement
The startup permit: the application in a nutshell
The scientific researcher's permit: the application in a nutshell
The intra corporate transfer (ICT) permit: the application in a nutshell
The cross-border service provider's permit: the application in a nutshell
The internship permit: the application in a nutshell
The highly skilled migrant permit: the application in a nutshell
The European blue card: the application in a nutshell
The independent entrepreneur's permit: the application in a nutshell
The search year permit: the application in a nutshell
Obtaining Dutch citizenship: why it seems impossible for some foreigners. Part 1
What "main residence" is, and why it is important for your right of stay in the Netherlands
Economically inactive residence: how to apply and renew It?
Children of Highly Skilled Migrants: How much tuition should I pay?
An alternative way of acquiring Dutch citizenship