
We appreciate the time you have taken to contact us and your trust in our services. Unfortunately, because of our lack of expertise on your case, we are unable to assist you further. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please see the below page for referrals to a firm or organization that might help you.

I need help with asylum law

For asylum law queries, the Dutch Refugee Council (VluchtelingenWerk) offers free legal aid. See their RefugeeHelp resource page on how to apply for Asylum in the Netherlands. We also refer you to Advocaat Claudia. 


I need help with employment law

For employment law questions, please try contacting GMW Lawyers. You can also contact Van Hall Arbeidsrecht Advocaten.

I need help with family law

For family law questions, please try contacting GMW Lawyers or Internationaal FamilieRecht Advies.


I need help with criminal law

For criminal law questions, try contacting Delissen Martens.